YPI Baitul Ma'shum Foundation located in Gondanglegi, Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia, was founded on January 30, 1955 by Mr. Mukharor. This foundation is known for its commitment to efforts to educate the nation's life with education that is accessible to the entire community, women's empowerment, gender equality, and skills training. Baitul Ma'shum Foundation focuses on providing quality education and training opportunities for women, children, and the entire community while upholding Islamic values.

Education is the main foundation believed to be able to change the lives of all individuals. Women, children, and the entire community receive special attention so they can access quality education. By providing equal access to education, this foundation ensures that everyone has the opportunity to develop and contribute to society.

Various formal and non-formal education programs are designed to meet the needs of different social groups. Through skills training, entrepreneurship, and leadership development, the Baitul Ma'shum Foundation empowers individuals to play an active and productive role in various areas of life. With community support and based on Islamic principles, the foundation strives to create an inclusive and harmonious environment where every individual has equal access to learn, develop, and achieve their full potential.

Vision of the Baitul Ma'shum Foundation

"To become a trusted institution in creating an intelligent, empowered, just, and prosperous society by upholding Islamic values and providing quality education accessible to all groups."

Mission of the Baitul Ma'shum Foundation

Research & Innovation Centres

Education Institutions

There’s Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Pembangunan as an Islamic elementary school committed to providing high-quality education grounded in Islamic values. And Taman Kanak-Kanak (TK) Darma Wanita as a pre-school institution that has been dedicated to early childhood education with a strong commitment to nurturing young minds.

Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Pembangunan

Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Pembangunan, established on January 30, 2016, is a distinguished Islamic elementary school committed to providing high-quality education grounded in Islamic values......


Taman Kanak-Kanak (TK) Darma Wanita

Taman Kanak-Kanak (TK) Darma Wanita is a pre-school institution that has been dedicated to early childhood education with a strong commitment to nurturing young minds.....

Our Team


Excellent Teaching Education Journal (ETEJ)

Arts & Foresight Studies Journal (AFSJ)

Journal of Sharia Business Economics (JSBE)

Events & Conferences

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